Philadelphia RAM and the Annual Royal Ark Mariner Assembly
Just lately, the weather hasn’t been the brilliant, our British Summer has left a lot to be desired.
Rainbows, have been a common sight in the sky over of Leyland, and of course where there is a rainbow there is Sunshine and of course Showers!
But on Tuesday morning the 19th September 2017 there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, it was pleasantly sunny and the chill had been taken of the cool night air as I made the gentle stroll from Beesley Towers to Wellington Park for the Philadelphia RAM meeting which, as usual was hosting the Annual RAM Assembly.
Once through the door at Wellington Park, there were ‘rainbows’ everywhere, chatting in the Bar, Chatting in the Crush and the other Changing Rooms.
Our Very Own Glitterati
D.C.’s were putting people through their paces in Temple One and in no time at all, the Worshipful Commander of Philadelphia RAM, Maurice Evans, called the brethren to order, the meeting was underway.
The September meeting, is of necessity a business meeting and Maurice quipped about it being the first time he had opened the Lodge and one of the first items of business was to elect his successor!
This did not stop the Lodge however and W.Bro. Neil MacSymons was elected as Master and will be installed at the Installation meeting in January.
The lodge, administrative matters having been discharged, were pleased to welcome, RW Bro. Keith Alan Beardmore, the Provincial Grand Master and ‘the team’.
Keith took the chair and invited his officers to occupy the various offices before opening the Provincial Assembly. He appointed and invested those from the Province with their Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank. This list will be updated shortly on this site and then presented three Brothers with certificates of Merit, also listed.
W.Bro. Revd. Stephen Leach RAMGR, then entertained the assembly with a talk titled, ‘Millinery and the Strange Story of Enoch’, this was both unusual and thought provoking.
The PGM, then closed the Assembly and he, accompanied by his team, retired leaving The WM to close the Lodge after discharging any other business.
We all then retired to the dining rooms where we partook of a superb festive board.
By 2.30 I was strolling back down Church Road, still not a cloud in the sky, nor any Rainbows, but we had certainly found our ‘Pot of Gold’ in Leyland.
Words by Mike Beesley Webmaster